Helping Families & Individuals Build Their Legacy

Estate Planning | Estate Administration | Elder Law

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Serving South Carolina: York, Chester, Lancaster Counties & the SC Coast

Achieve Peace Of Mind

Make sure your loved ones are cared for and your generational legacy is preserved with our personalized estate planning services.

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Protect Your Assets

Keep your assets secure and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes; easily and confidentially.

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Provide For Family

Support your loved ones through the complexities of estate administration during emotional times.

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Avoid Probate

Use trusts and asset alignment strategies to ensure your assets pass directly to your chosen beneficiaries.

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Preserve Your Wishes

Document your healthcare and end-of-life intentions now to ensure they are honored when you can no longer advocate for yourself.

Welcome to The Estate Preservation Law Firm

Our Legal Services

Estate Planning

Imagine a future where your wishes are honored and your loved ones are cared for, no matter what life brings. We’re here to help you create a comprehensive plan that prepares for potential incapacity or incompetency, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your heartfelt wishes.

Together, we’ll craft a roadmap that respects your autonomy and upholds your values, offering peace of mind and comfort for you and your family. With our guidance, you can confidently embrace the present, knowing your legacy is secure and your loved ones are cared for.

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Estate Administration

There is no feeling of security quite like knowing that everything you’ve worked for is handled with care and your wishes are honored. We’re here to guide you through the legal process of concluding all financial affairs at the end of your life and ensuring your assets are distributed according to your estate plan.

With our help, we’ll ensure your legacy is protected and your loved ones are cared for. Together, we’ll create a seamless transition that respects your wishes and brings peace of mind.

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Elder Law

Imagine a future where every need is anticipated and cared for with compassion. We’re here to help you navigate the specifics of Medicaid assistance for skilled nursing care, adult guardianship, and conservatorship, as well as planning for individuals with special needs.

With our focused planning, you can rest assured that every detail is handled, ensuring your loved ones are protected and supported. Together, we’ll create a plan that brings peace of mind and honors your unique story.

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